Miner Turtle Project
The Ecological Research Society (EKAD), in collaboration with TÜPRAG Metal Madencilik, launched the Miner Turtle Project in 2024. The project, which continues successfully on Kızılot Beach along the Mediterranean coast, aims to protect and monitor the endangered Caretta caretta species and contribute to the sustainability of their habitats.
As part of the project, comprehensive field studies are being conducted during the nesting, incubation, and hatchling emergence periods with the participation of volunteers and scientists. Additionally, two adult Caretta caretta, named “Altın” and “Gümüş” have been equipped with satellite tracking devices, providing crucial data about their wintering habitats and migration routes. You can see the journey of “Altın” and “Gümüş” HERE These data provide an important scientific basis for understanding the threats faced by sea turtles and ensuring their protection.
In addition to field studies, the project also focuses on various educational and awareness-raising activities aimed at the local community, volunteers, tourists, and businesses in the region. Through informative meetings, workshops, and interactive events, the importance of protecting sea turtles is conveyed to a wide audience. These efforts aim not only to protect sea turtles but also to raise awareness about the conservation of biodiversity in the region.
The Miner Turtle Project has been developed to raise awareness about the conservation of sea turtles and the sustainability of biodiversity. Protecting these unique creatures, which live from the depths of the sea to our shores, is not only about preserving the present but also about shaping our future.