BETUYAB’s Contributions to Sea Turtle Conservation Efforts

As part of its commitment to sustainable tourism in the region, the Belek Tourism Investors Association (BETUYAB) has been supporting the Sea Turtle Research, Monitoring, and Conservation Project for many years. Since 1999, this project has been carried out in collaboration with the Ecological Research Association (EKAD) and Hacettepe University, with significant contributions from BETUYAB member hotels and other tourism establishments operating in Belek.

In particular, conservation efforts for sea turtles on the beaches in front of hotels are sustained with BETUYAB’s support. Through the project, cooperation is established to protect nesting areas, inform guests, and reduce light pollution on hotel beaches. Tourism facilities play a crucial role in both safeguarding these coastal habitats for sea turtles and raising awareness among visitors, contributing to an environmentally responsible tourism approach.

Additionally, the project team’s camp is located in BETUYAB’s Hoşgörü Bahçesi (Garden of Tolerance). This area serves as an accommodation and working space for the field team throughout the project, providing a base for scientific research and educational activities. By offering a setting in harmony with nature, this location facilitates more efficient conservation efforts for sea turtles.

Thanks to BETUYAB’s contributions, the delicate balance between tourism and nature conservation in Belek is preserved, ensuring the protection of sea turtle habitats. This long-term collaboration stands as an exemplary model demonstrating that sustainable tourism and wildlife conservation can coexist harmoniously.