About Us

About Us

The Ecological Research Association (EKAD) was established in 2003, primarily by academics specializing in biodiversity and nature conservation. Since its inception, our association has continued to work in harmonious collaboration with academic institutions, relevant ministries, municipalities, private enterprises, and other non-governmental organizations. With the support of volunteers from both domestic and international backgrounds, we continue to diversify and enhance our activities, fulfilling our mission.

Our Vision and Mission

As our world ages rapidly, we are gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of nature conservation efforts. To reinforce this understanding and implement small initiatives that pave the way for larger steps, we fulfill our individual responsibilities. Our mission is to convey, teach, and spread ecological awareness. 
Bizler, EKAD olarak, doğanın bileşenlerinin neden korunması gerektiğini ve koruma çalışmalarının bilimsel olarak nasıl yürütülmesi gerektiğini anlatmak konusunda öncü bir örneğiz. Amacımız, diğer canlılarla bir arada yaşamaya devam ederken, onları en etkili şekilde koruyabilmenin ve sürdürülebilir biyoçeşitlilik konusunda en iyi örnek olmanın yollarını doğru şekilde göstermek..

Association Management

Chairman of the Board

Ali Fuat Canbolat

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Burak Akbaba

Board Members

  • Şafak Bulut (Full member)
  • Barış Özüdoğru (Full member)
  • Onur Candan (Full member)
  • Aydın Akbulut (Substitute member)
  • Salih Levent Turan (Substitute member)
  • Osman Sert (Substitute member)
  • Haşim Altınözlü (Substitute member)
  • Çağatay Tavşanoğlu (Substitute member)

Denetim Kurulu Üyeleri

  • Kurtuluş Özgişi (Chairman)
  • Haydar Metin (Full member)
  • Burcu Daşer (Full member)
  • Mustafa Çalışkan (Substitute member)
  • Murat Özaydınlı (Substitute member)
  • Ünal Gürer (Substitute member)