Research, Monitoring And Conservation of Sea Turtles

Since its establishment, our society has been dedicated to sea turtle conservation. The extensive experience of our founding members, actively involved in nesting beach work in Türkiye since 1987, enhances our expertise in this field. The rigorous efforts conducted with volunteer teams on sea turtle nesting beaches aim not only to research, monitor, and protect these endangered species but also to raise awareness about them.

1. Nest Identification, Monitoring, and Rescue:
Identification of sea turtle nests through daily field surveys, marking their locations, and determining approximate hatching dates.
Regular daily checks on nests with monitored hatching times.
Hatchling counts and rescue of hatchlings trapped in the nest or lost on the beach.
Maintenance of statistics on hatchling success.

2. Caging Studies:
Appropriate caging of nests against predation by natural predators like foxes and crabs on sea turtle eggs, as well as non-natural predation by cats and dogs, and human intervention.

3. Beach Protection and Rearrangement:
In areas with high human activity, providing protection and information by placing prism cages over the nests.
Coordination with relevant institutions and businesses to regulate beach usage and its hinterland.

4. Training, Information and Awareness Activities

Organising briefings and educational activities for local administrations, tourism facilities, local tradespeople, small businesses, and schools to promote the correct and effective use of the coast.
Conducting awareness activities addressing light and noise pollution and their impacts on sea turtles.
Implementing awareness and information campaigns for local residents and tourists through information desks established in settlement centers.

5. Satellite Monitoring:
Utilizing satellite tracking devices to monitor and track sea turtles, contributing significantly to conservation and rescue initiatives.

6. Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre:
Ongoing efforts toward the establishment of a “Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre” that will play a crucial role in protection and rescue.

All these studies and practices represent crucial measures for the conservation of sea turtles and the sustainability of their populations. For more information about our work and to support our projects, please feel free to contact us.